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​Discover a future in the


V​isit​ Apply

A student measures an electrode cap.

​The UD Department of Psyc​hological and Brain Sciences​ strives to understand the mind, brain and behavior at all levels. Faculty and students conduct basic and applied research in behavioral neuroscience, clinical science and both cognitive and social psychology. The Department’s graduate and undergraduate research programs benefit from close relationships with the Center for Biomedical and Brain Imaging, an on-campus multimodal imaging center with human and animal fMRI capabilities; the Center for Training, Evaluation and Community Collaboration (C-TECC), an innovative program to advance science in academic, public and community settings; the NIH-funded inter-institutional Delaware Center for Neuroscience at Delaware State University; and The Delaware Project, a cohort focused on redefining psychological clinical science training.

Graduate students have the opportunity to work with faculty supervisors within the department’s Psychological Services Center, an all-ages community mental health clinic offering psychological and education evaluations as well as evidence-based treatments.​

About the Department
A student works on her laptop.

​Frontiers of Discovery

How does uncertainty affect the brain? That’s what Neuroscience major Emma Leefeldt is driven to discover as a UD summer undergraduate researcher studying the brain’s ability to adapt to change.

​Read the U​Daily article​