​Dr. Laurenceau's Google Scholar Link
Soriano, E. C., Perndorfer, C., Siegel, S. D., & Laurenceau, J.-P. (2019). Threat sensitivity and fear of cancer recurrence: A daily diary study of reactivity and recovery as patients and spouses face the first mammogram post-diagnosis. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology, 37, 131-144.
Perndorfer, C., Soriano, E. C., Siegel, S. D., & Laurenceau, J.-P. (2019). Everyday protective buffering predicts intimacy and fear of cancer recurrence in couples coping with early-stage breast cancer. Psycho-Oncology, 28, 317–323.
Soriano, E. C., Valera, R., Pasipanodya, E. C., Otto, A. K., Siegel, S. D., & Laurenceau, J.-P. (2019). Checking behavior, fear of recurrence, and daily triggers in breast cancer survivors. Annals of Behavioral Medicine, 53, 244–254.
Otto, A. K., Soriano, E. C., Siegel, S. D., LoSavio, S. T., & Laurenceau, J.-P. (2018). Assessing the relationship between fear of cancer recurrence and health care utilization in early-stage breast cancer survivors. Journal of Cancer Survivorship, 12, 775–785.
Soriano, E. C., Pasipanodya, E. C., LoSavio, S. T., Otto, A. K., Perndorfer, C., Siegel, S. D., & Laurenceau, J.-P. (2018). Social constraints and fear of recurrence in couples coping with early-stage breast cancer. Health Psychology, 37, 874-884.
Brown, E. D., Garnett, M., Anderson, K., & Laurenceau, J.-P. (2017). Can the arts get under the skin? Arts and cortisol for economically disadvantaged children. Child Development, 88, 1368-1381.
Dwyer, L., Bolger, N., Laurenceau, J.-P., Patrick, H., Oh, A., Nebeling, L., & Hennessy, E. (2017). Autonomous motivation and fruit/vegetable intake in parent-adolescent dyads. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 52, 863-871.
Otto, A. K., Szczesny, E. C., Soriano, E. C., Laurenceau, J.-P., & Siegel, S. D. (2016). Effects of a randomized gratitude intervention on death-related fear of recurrence in breast cancer survivors. Health Psychology, 35, 1320-1328.
Fowers, B. J., Laurenceau, J.-P., Penfield, R., Cohen, L. M., Owenz, M., & Pasipanodya, E. (2016). Enhancing relationship quality measurement: The development of the Relationship Flourishing Scale. Journal of Family Psychology, 30, 997-1007.
Jongerling, J., Laurenceau, J.-P., & Hamaker, E. L. (2015). A multilevel AR(1) model: Allowing for inter-individual differences in trait-scores, inertia, and innovation variance. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 50, 334–349.
Bernard, K., Peloso, M., Laurenceau, J.-P., Zhang, Z., & Dozier, M. (2015). Examining change in cortisol patterns during the 10-week transition to a new childcare setting. Child Development, 86, 456-471.