
​Welcome to the department of

Psychological & Brain Sciences​


2024 Seitz Award winner

Megan MacWade, a junior psychology and women and gender studies double major, is the recipient of the 2024 Seitz Award.

Future leaders and innovators

12 UD students, alumni awarded 2024 NSF Graduate Research Fellowship

Maryam Vaziri-Pashkam awarded Sloan Fellowship

UD neuroscientist will explore the intersection of visual cognition and action
Centers and research labs
of PBS Graduates are employed or pursuing higher education
full-time faculty members
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​Featured Video

​​The University of Delaware Center for Biomedical and Brain Imaging houses the first fMRI scanner in the state of Delaware. It has the capability to map the brain in action, as well as to provide remarkably detailed images of muscles, discs, bones and organs.

“I am in the right place at the right time with the right person. And I am grateful.”

Fifth-year doctoral student Alexandra “Lexie” Tabachnick said of Mary Dozier, Amy Elizabeth du Pont Chair of Developmental Psychology.​

A clinical scientific approach​